To vape or not to vape…there’s no question!!

Written By Errin Lawrence - Clinical Fellow Peer reviewed by Dr Jonny Wilkinson What are E-cigarettes and how do they work? Smoking-proxy electronic inhaling systems or e-cigarettes are battery-powered nicotine or non-nicotine delivery systems. They have three major component parts, a lithium battery, a vaporisation chamber and a cartridge or refillable well. The cartridge contains... Continue Reading →

Best of #FOAMed #FOAMcc #POCUS finds – December (2)

A final happy Christmas to you all! This episode features loads of POCUS images, many of which you have kindly shared over Twitter. Thanks to all concerned and I have acknowledged you where I can. There is also a lot on flu, ARDS, OOHCA, less is more in sepsis and our usual run of infographics... Continue Reading →

Hydrocortisone treatment in early sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: results of a randomized controlled trial #FOAMed

This trial is worth a read. Courtesy of critical care (Click Icon) Basically They wanted to see whether sepsis-associated ARDS patients had better outcomes when given Hydrocortisone therapy. Methods They randomised patients to receive either hydrocortisone 50 mg every 6 h or placebo. What they demonstrated The patients who got hydrocortisone had significant improvement P:F ratios and... Continue Reading →

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