Risk factors, host response and outcome of hypothermic sepsis #FOAMed

Click here to read more, courtesy of critical care. Basically We know that hypothermia leads to poor outcomes, perhaps not in cardiac arrest situations where neuroprotection is the key, granted and perhaps a few other exceptional circumstances. There is evidence that it leads to worse outcome in sepsis which is interesting. There have been many... Continue Reading →

Hydrocortisone treatment in early sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: results of a randomized controlled trial #FOAMed

This trial is worth a read. Courtesy of critical care (Click Icon) Basically They wanted to see whether sepsis-associated ARDS patients had better outcomes when given Hydrocortisone therapy. Methods They randomised patients to receive either hydrocortisone 50 mg every 6 h or placebo. What they demonstrated The patients who got hydrocortisone had significant improvement P:F ratios and... Continue Reading →

What is the value of regional cerebral saturation in post-cardiac arrest patients? A prospective observational study

Shared from: RESEARCH What is the value of regional cerebral saturation in post-cardiac arrest patients? A prospective observational study The aim of this study was to elucidate the possible role of cerebral saturation monitoring in the post-cardiac arrest setting. This is well worth a read through... Critical Care 2016 20:327 Published on: 13 October 2016... Continue Reading →

Lactate…is the crystal ball we all need?

So we all hang on this as a prognosticator, as well as a gauge of the state of our patients both on the unit and prior to coming up to us. But should we be focussing on Lactate as much as we think we should? Is it the 'magic bullet' to adequate resuscitation? A bit... Continue Reading →

Can we really predict outcome after Cardiac Arrest??

This is a single centre retrospective study, admittedly in a small patient cohort, but it offers food for thought in the controversial area of prognostication post out of hospital cardiac arrest. Link to paper Often, we are presented, due to whatever reason, with patients who may have suffered prolonged downtimes during out of hospital cardiac arrest.... Continue Reading →

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